Magnum Drip Dry Water Loss Agent with 500mg of Dandelion Extract per serving.
Getting ripped for a competition or photo shoot? Get the strongest natural water-loss system ever.*
Getting lean is hard enough without having to guess about properly dropping your water weight on the day of your physique show, photo-shoot- or tropical vacation. Magnum's Drip Dry® takes the guess work out this tricky process. In fact, we guarantee a lean, dry physique on the day you need it. Drip Dry® is leading the next generation of natural water-shedding supplements by sparing your all-important anti-cramping electrolytes, while simultaneously acting as a powerful diuretic, leaving you with a dry, full physique every time. Drip Dry's® powerful ingredients quickly target the subcutaneous water that blurs your muscularity and eliminates it one drip at a time, exposing high definition cuts, striations, and vascularity like never before.
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